Last week I wrote about our visit to the Festival of Thrift but what I don’t think I said was that it opened my eyes to just how many ways there were to save money and to be frugal and thrifty. I came home last Saturday night and scribbled down ideas and thoughts until my hand hurt and I still have more things in my head that I need to get down on paper.
But here’s the thing, even if I filled my notebook with ideas, I still wouldn’t be covering even a fraction of it!
So, as I work through my notebook and start to make a bit of sense out of my scribblings, I’m looking to you all. I want to see all of your fabulously frugal posts added to the linky below so we can all share your ideas – anything goes as long as you can class it as either money saving, moneymaking, thrifty or frugal.
Not just to inspire me with your own thriftiness but also to inspire others and to help each other save some money at the same time.
I’ll make sure that all of your posts are added to my ‘All things thrifty, frugal and money saving!‘ board on Pinterest and I’ll tweet and share my favourites too. Which reminds me, if any of you would like to be a contributor to that board then leave your Pinterest name in the comments and I’ll add you on. I think you need to follow me for me to add you but I could be wrong.
I’ve called it Fabulously Frugal thanks to Aly, Cat and Joy who gave me some Sunday Morning inspiration – it reminds me that being frugal and money saving isn’t a chore. It’s something that helps me make the most of what we have and the more money we have leftover, the more fun we can have. What could be more fabulous than that?
I’ll be back on the first Sunday of every month and I’ll share my favourite two posts with you as well as opening a new linky for the month. Oh, and I’ve made a badge but please don’t feel that you have to add it to your post, it’s more about sharing the ideas than anything else! 😉