Miss Frugal’s had a bit of a growth spurt lately and the majority of her clothes are suddenly too small, too tight or too short (not to mention ‘I’m not wearing that anymore!), so I’ve just spent this morning buying her a whole new Summer wardrobe on Ebay and I’m really pleased with the bargains I got. Even more importantly Miss Fussypants approves of everything I’ve bought which makes a change!

10 tops / t-shirts, 2 cardigans, 2 skirts, 3 pairs of jeans, 5 pairs of leggings, 2 dresses, 2 pairs track suit bottoms, 1 short sleeved jacket and 3 pairs of shorts.
30 items for less than £55.00 (including P+P)
I know I could well be trying to teach a granny on how to suck eggs here but I thought I’d share my tips to finding clothes bargains on Ebay. I’d love you to share yours if you have any other ideas….
- There are literally tens of thousands of items in the clothing sections so narrow down your search using the search parameters on the side – you can select the type of item you’re after (tops, bottoms, bundles etc), the age or size you want and even a price range if you’re on a budget.
- Search for bundles of clothes rather than individual items, you usually get more for your money that way and the postage normally works out cheaper.
- If you find a bargain, have a look at the sellers other items as they may have other similar items listed. The sellers may be willing to combine postage and packaging costs if you buy more than one item from them.
- If available, use the make an offer option – I just got a bundle with a Buy it Now price of £30 for £22.
- You can do a search by brand or character aswell, I love Next’s clothes so I always do a Next search and when I’m looking for clothes for Master Frugal, I search for his favourite characters like Star Wars, Spiderman etc.
If you want to see more Magpie Monday bargains, pop over to Me and My Shadow and have a look at the other posts in the linky, or even better, if you’ve found some bargains of your own lately, share them by joining in 😉