I have had a brilliant day today, one of those rare days where both kids were good all day and Mr Frugal was in a good mood too. They don’t happen often in my world 😉
We got up this morning at about nine and went and had a quick game of bowling (1p each). After Mr Frugal wiped the floor with us all we went to Cineworld for the family film (£1 each) which was Ice Age 3. The kids loved the film and it made us love laugh too.
After the film we came home and Mr Frugal did the pumpkin with the kids and we had a game of giant Ludo (reduced from £7.50 to £1 in Tescos) and a tournament on the Wii, which Mr Frugal won – no suprise there then!
We had a Halloween picnic tea and then got the kids ready for trick or treating. They looked so cute! After a quick photo shoot at Grandad’s house we went out for an hour and now have enough sweets to last until Christmas.
And now to top the day off…. A bottle of Malibu and X factor!