A few weeks ago, I opened an e mail to find a lovely invitation from Stena Line to travel on one of their ferries as part of their National Ferry Fortnight celebrations. We hope you’ll agree that for families with children, ferry travel can turn a typically stressful journey into a fun and pleasurable one for all involved. With lots of room to roam and plenty of distractions (including the amazing view of the open sea!), travelling on Stena Line is fun for the entire family. How could I not say yes to a promise like that?The only weekend we could all get time off together was the weekend … [Read more...]
Search Results for: pre loved
Designer Labels – a waste of money or worth every penny….
I've had a bit of an up and down week this week but one lovely thing did happen at work the other day completely out of the blue - I received a long service award as I've worked with the same company for 10 years.I was given a lovely framed certificate thanking me for my work, along with a silver engraved keyring, a silver photo holder and a small catalogue of gifts to choose from. The gifts were really impressive (to me anyway) - matching his and hers Armani watches, a Tissot watch, a Radley Cheadle bag and a Links of London Sweetie bracelet among other things.I decided to go for the … [Read more...]
How to make a wall planner for your meal plans….
I know, I've gone a bit meal planning mental this week but I promise this is the last post on the subject (for at least the rest of the week anyway).Usually, I have our week's meals written on a scrap of paper, stuck on the front of the fridge if I'm feeling particularly organised, somewhere at the bottom of my handbag if I'm not! This led to us not sticking to the plan on lots of a few times as we couldn't remember what we were supposed to be eating so as part of my New Years resolution to be more organised, I decided that from now on we're going to have the meal plan where everyone can … [Read more...]
What do you spend on Christmas….
It's OK, I don't really want to know how much you spend ;-)But I do want to share with you something that I've found out recently about the amount that parents spend on their children each year. Research shows that in 1995 the average British family spent around £75.00 per child at Christmas with this figure increasing massively to an average spend of £168.00 per child last Christmas.I'm not sure if the increase is due to the fact that parents are willing to spend more these days or if it's because things cost so much more now. The top item on Miss Frugal's wish list this year is … [Read more...]
I know it’s only October, but….
There's only 78 Sleeps to go which is just 3 pay days. I now it's only October but I'm going to start my 'How to have a Frugal Christmas' series now because if I wouldn't be a good Frugal blogger if I didn't tell you that you should have started shopping (or at least planning) by now. Christmas happens at the same time every year so there's no excuse - it's not like we don't know it's coming or anything. The first of my 'How to have a Frugal Christmas' is all about presents - don't panic though I'm not about to send you all out shopping or anything but I hope that I can help you plan what … [Read more...]
Things I want you to know about Daddy….
In years to come, my children can learn lots about me by reading this blog. I've shared a lot on here about myself in the last couple of years - everything from childhood memories to greatest fears along with lots of other things along the way but I don't really share much about Mr Frugal on here although he does pop up from time to time ;-) So today, I'm going to share some things I want them to know about their Dad. Not the obvious things like the fact that he loves football and his computer but the random important things that if I don't tell them, no-one will....To this day he … [Read more...]