Christmas seems to start earlier and earlier these days doesn’t it? Even the Coca Cola has been on for weeks already this year.
It doesn’t officially start in our house until the 1st December though which is the day we dust off the Christmas CDs and films, start planning our Christmas crafting and baking activities and more importantly, it’s the day we put our tree up.
We do it on the same day each year but this year, because I’ve not been feeling well this week (probably thanks to my near drowning in the rain experience) I tried to delay the festivities a few days but the rest of the family were having none of it! It actually worked out quite well though to be fair as I got to sit on the settee with a furry blanket and a nice cup of hot chocolate (which may or may not have included a medicinal shot of Baileys) with the Michael Buble Christmas album playing gently in the background.
The rest of the family weren’t so lucky! They had to untangle the lights that we really should have put away properly last year, wrap the mile long lengths of tinsel that we have around the tree and finally hang the ornaments on the tree in locations of my choosing (which apparently was a bit difficult from my instructions of ‘no, not that branch. That one!’).
Anyway, a few teeny tiny disagreements later, we’re done….
I’d love you to join in and link up your Christmas tree, mainly because I’m nosey and I love looking at other people’s trees (and kitchens for some reason but that’s a whole other linky just waiting to happen lol). I’ve made a badge but you don’t need to use it, you don’t even need to link to me, I just want you all to link up so we can all have a good nosey at your tree 🙂