If ever you find yourself with any leftover Baileys Irish Cream then this is exactly the recipe you need!
So, I’ve called this post ‘What to do with leftover Baileys’ but in our house, the bottle of Baileys is actually bought more to make this cake than to drink as it’s been a family tradition for a good 10 years now and it’s not Christmas unless we have this as dessert at least once!
I’ve had a look through my photos over the years to see if I have some good ones but I really don’t – mainly because this takes minutes to make so I always make it right before we eat it and it’s always dark and miserable outside so even if I did get chance for a cheeky photoshoot, the lighting would be so poor it still wouldn’t do it justice.
Every year, I say I’m going to make it earlier in the day or even make one especially to take photos off but I just never get around to it and at the time of writing this post, I’m actually finishing up the last of our leftover Baileys over ice so as much as I want to show you amazing photos of my Leftover Baileys cake, I just can’t so you’ll have to use your imagination with the ones I took to send to one of my friends.
To be fair though, the recipe is barely a recipe so the photos match that in reality.
How to make leftover Baileys cake
All you need to make this is a ready made flan case (we buy ours from Tesco or Morrisons for £1 usually), 2 packets of chocolate Angel Delight, a flake or two and some leftover Baileys.
- Make up the Angel Delight as normal but substitute some of the milk for Baileys, it’s up to you how much you use as it depends totally on your taste.
- Pour the Angel Delight mix into the flan case and put it in the fridge to set.
- Crumble the flake over the top and get ready to be wowed.

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Do your future self a favour – Pin this post for next time you find yourself with some leftover Baileys Irish Cream: