Like the title of the post suggests, today I want to know if you make New Years Resolutions.
If you do, I bet I can look into my Crystal Ball* and name one of your resolutions!
I bet you’ve resolved to do at least one of the following next year:
- To lose weight and/or get fit.
- To be better with money in some way.
- To learn something new.
Was I right?
I can’t help you with your losing weight/getting fit resolution but it’s top of my list so at least you know I’ll be right there with you on that one and I’m pretty useless with the learning something new one seeing as learning to use my camera properly has been on my list for the last two or three years and I’ve never done much about it.
But I can definitely help you with any money related resolutions because I have loads of ideas to share with you this year – some you’ll already do, some you’ll know about but might not have got around to implementing and hopefully there’ll be some you’re not familiar with.
And it’s not just here that you can find me – I’m on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin and on my other blog which is called Meal Planning made easy and is all about meal planning (as you’d imagine with that title). So please come and find me and we’ll save money together in 2014 😉
And if you’re interested in what my New Years Resolutions are, I’ll tell you:
- To lose weight and get fitter.
- To put into practice everything that I know I should be doing to save money.
- To learn to use my camera so I can venture out of manual.
- To be more organised.
- To make an effort to meet up with some lovely bloggers that I know but so rarely see. I didn’t see the gorgeous Becky at all last year and I need to put this right in 2014. (Talking of Becky, here’s her thrifty resolutions)
(OK, so I don’t have an actual Crystal Ball and I have the pyschic powers of a tablecloth but I bet I still gone one right, didn’t I?)
OLLIE says
The receptionists at Albion Street are sadly not as wonderful as the Doctors. They are consistently dismissive towards patients (myself, both my flat mates and everyone who has been visiting the surgery whilst I've been in the waiting room can support this!). It can take an age for the phones to be answered and they are often left on answerphone long after the Practice should have been been open for patients.
Jennifer says
Yep, lose weight! Fortunately not too much to lose so it shouldn't be too difficult. I don't have resolutions as such, but I do have some things that I want to do this year, mainly crafty related!
boorootiggertoo says
I need to learn more about how to use my camera, I spent all that money on it and simply point and shoot
@ADredla says
Check out my treasure hunt with my kids on my blog.
Nicki says
To be more organised and frugal – hence why I'm here! 🙂
Allison says
I want to read more and spend more quality time with my family.
@Mum_TheMadHouse says
Fab resolutions. I have just joined Capturing childhoods January course on Manual overdrive as I am going to finally learn how to get this camera off automatic