I've just received a friend request on Facebook from my dad - how weird is that? He's 70 but since my mum died he has discovered a new lease of life, he joined the gym, bought a laptop and an Ipod and now this! I'm not sure how I feel about having him be able to see all my updates and the messages I get from my friends....As my family (other than Mr Frugal) and friends don't know about my blog yet I have two separate Facebook accounts, one personal and one blog page so it's my personal account that he has added. I don't think he's ready to see me as a grown up … [Read more...]
Easter Holiday Letters….
Following on from my school holiday letters last month, I thought it would be a good idea to do the same for the two week Easter holiday ;-) Just to lay down the ground rules lol Dear ChildrenI am pleased you are looking forward to some time off school, however, to prevent any problems, I think I should share the following rules with you:You will be expected to get dressed each morning. Under no circumstances will every day be a pyjama day - especially when we are going out. Oh yes and when I'm at work, please don't tell Daddy that you are dressed when you have actually just … [Read more...]
Stage 2 of the Garden Transformation….
Last July I blogged about my back garden and our attempts at making our rocky patch of garden into a nice family garden. You can find the before picture here. Unfortunately, the after pictures are not much better yet!The grass that we grew is all patchy and a bit bumpy and we still don't have a fence at the back, although we do have one at each side now.The border area that I set aside for growing vegetables is all overgrown and I still haven't got around to planting anything yet.Also because it's winter, my bins and recycling boxes are right in front of my patio doors - … [Read more...]
Happy Birthday Baby Boy….
I know, he's not really a baby anymore, even though the first thing he said this morning was 'Am I still your baby Mammy, even though I'm five?' But he still feels like my baby and I can't believe he's five already.We had a fantastic birthday party for him tonight and he's now in bed absolutely worn out. All of his friends came and everything went smoothly, the most traumatic moment was when someone got chips instead of munch crunch veg - oh the tears ;-). He came home with more Ben 10 toys than anyone could ever want, along with some other rather … [Read more...]
How to be an Organised Mum….
To the 6 people who have found this blog after searching for a 'diary in the shape of a tree' - Sorry, I have no clue why ended up here either! However, if you've found me by searching for the term 'organised mum' then this post may be the one for you. I've decided to dedicate a whole post to sharing as many tips on how to be an organised mum that I can (I aim to please after all ;-))I should be honest before I start though, I'm not one of those perfectly organised people who has everything under control all the time but Google seem to diagree judging by the numbers of visitors they … [Read more...]